Why Choose Humanities or Social Science as a Career Choice?

Why Choose Humanities or Social Science as a Career Choice?

Humanities and Social Science have been as streams, underappreciated in the job market for Indian students who look at the monetary benefits. For decades, the students opting for the above-mentioned streams were actually considered ‘less’ in some way in front of the STEM streams and subjected to jokes or less salary structures. However multiple market changes, economic changes, and global advancements have led to a shift in the mentality as it has been found that the previous assumptions were baseless. Many companies, educational institutes, etc. have felt the need to recruit psychologists, counselors, and language trainers for their staff and clients who provide training and wellness sessions. Looking at the changing climate and social conditions, the government requires corporate social responsibility to be implemented at every organization, making it compulsory to aid society in some way. These modern features come under humanities and social science, hence making way for takers of these streams.

Defining humanities is a difficult task. Social Science is a field of academics that deals with the scientific study of human society. It is a broad category encompassing several disciplines that cannot be studied under the natural sciences such as archaeology, anthropology, geography, economics, history, psychology, political science, linguistics, sociology, etc. The three main subjects that are taught under Social Science are History, Geography, and Political Science, where Political science further branches into public administration. 

One must not forget that multiple innovations were done after writers penned them as imaginary tales in their books as observations. Jules Verne imagined in 1872 that a marine biologist and whaler go on an expedition in a submarine in his book ‘20,000 Leagues under the Sea’ at a time when submarines could not carry people that deep into the sea. It was only in 1954 when the actual ‘Nautilus’ completed its first underwater transit, similar to what the writer had written. Let’s not forget that the current epidemic and its implications have already been accurately portrayed in a 2011 American thriller film ‘Contagion’, providing us with a clear picture of what lies ahead of us. 

At SAGE School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science, B.A. pass course is offered while the subjects of History, Psychology, Political Science, and Sociology are offered at M.A. level. Avoid repeating them in the future.

History understands the past including humanities and social science. History is very vast and consists of different studies, like economic history, ancient history. The career options for M.A. in History are as follows-
•    Museum Education Officer
•    Historical Research Assistant
•    Civil Service Administrator
•    Archivist
•    Academician 

Psychology is a field with a theoretical base and practical implementation. Practicals are conducted in bachelor’s as well as master’s level programs along with research work for a better understanding of the human mind and behavior. Psychology is a discipline that studies the human mind and behaviour. It causes various aspects of a passion’s emotional, mental, and behavioral patterns. Psychological Professions which are specifically related to mental health are emerging slowly but have a great scope and opportunities. A person, who studies Psychology, can get opportunities. A person who studies Psychology can get opportunities in hospitals, schools, organizations/ institutions, military rehabilitation center, etc. as people are getting conscious and the awareness about the importance of mental health is preventing and spreading in India because of many celebrities taking up openly, movies related to different disorder are releasing like; therefore, people are understanding their own health problems and seeking help from counselors, clinical psychologists etc.

Career options after studying psychology: 

•    Counseling Psychologist
•    Clinical Psychologist
•    Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
•    School Counselor
•    Psychotherapist
•    Education (Professor/Teacher)
•    Forensic Psychologist
•    Military (Psychologist)
•    Child Psychologist.

Political science is a dynamic discipline that deals with systems of governance, analysis of political activities and political behaviour, political theory and political thoughts, etc. This subject is changing constantly. Without this knowledge, we wouldn’t know which rights we have and more importantly the battles that were fought to award us these rights.  For our political leaders to make the best possible decisions for their constituents they must be aware of all developments in each of these areas. The career options of M.A. in Political Science are as follows-
•    Civil Services
•    Political correspondent
•    Public Relation executive 
•    Political archivist 

Sociology is the study of patterns of social relationships, society, culture, and social interaction, that surround everyday life. It directs attention to how the parts of society fit together and change, as well as makes us aware of the consequences of that social change. In modern society, people are facing an ever-increasingly complex and rapidly changing social milieu in industrial-bureaucratic societies. The career options for M.A. in Sociology are as follows-
•    PR & Advertising Executive
•    HR Executive
•    Social Worker
•    Rehabilitation Counselor
•    Sociologist

It all boils down to the passion and capability of the pursuer as it’s rightly said that ‘Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If the subject interests you, you can uphold the responsibilities of a particular career choice for the next decade or so. But if it doesn’t appeal to your senses, it’s nothing but torture hence, it's best to choose wisely and look before you leap.


Dr. Veena Kurre
PhD, M.A., B.Ed, B.A. 
HOS Arts and Humanities
SAGE University Bhopal