When Rigour Meets Research Then Excellence Happens

When Rigour Meets Research Then Excellence Happens

In Madhya Pradesh, India, The SAGE Group is comprised of academic and research-focused institutions and institutes with a focus on UG, PG, and PhD programmes. Moving forward on this firm basis, higher education institutions (HEIs) are focusing on a few key, carefully chosen teaching and research initiatives. To acknowledge the new social, economic, and technical developments and to improve the multidisciplinary approach to knowledge generation and dissemination, new study topics and activities are being developed. New programmes in every field are demonstrating the deepening and strengthening interdisciplinary nature of research and education. Examples of these programmes include:

•    Emergence of information in society and expansion of connections among various social, economic, and political systems.

•    Key emphasis areas of study and teaching are around the evolving function and character of international economic institutions in the management of the global economy and development theories.

•    Widespread connectedness is the outcome of the electronic media's expanding dissemination. It has prompted a study programme that focuses on the connections between media and social behaviour, political functioning, and public opinion mobilisation.

•    It has been acknowledged that Indian studies in the humanities are essential and require a variety of national and international perspectives.

•    An important Program for the study of prejudice and exclusion deserves special notice.

The Sagar Group of Institutions' research and development division supports the overall professional development of academics and staff. For every teacher to be effective in their position, exploration and reflection are essential. Faculty members' more than 140 published research articles in (SCOPUS/SCI/WOS/CARE) journals demonstrate the high calibre of their research. Faculty members have written more than 25 books. The Group has been issued 35 patents and copyrights total since the year 2022, with contributions from our students. New inventions and research ideas are always encouraged. The institution has established an innovation ecosystem with an incubator where our teachers and students actively contribute to knowledge development and transfer.

Workshops and seminars on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative Practices are performed under a number of programmes. The Group has approved grants of Rs. 25 lakhs for research initiatives funded by many national funding organisations, including DST-SERB, NABARD, MPCST, MP Biodiversity Board, ICSSR, etc. The extension is a component of education that places a strong emphasis on giving back to the community. A variety of activities are carried out, including training, student and faculty exchanges, resource sharing, research, and training. The association also strives to collaborate so that HEIs may stay more in touch with the working world. It also broadens the range of learning opportunities available to students and keeps the academic activities at the HEI in a more realistic perspective.

Training, student and teacher exchanges, resource sharing, research, and other activities are just a few examples. A written agreement or understanding between the institution and other HEIs or agencies for such operations is required in order to make joint endeavours effective. There are MOUs between the group and APU, QIU, Malaysia, IBA-NUA Vietnam, Venda South Africa, etc. The Institute always strives to increase student awareness in all areas. The Institute organised a celebration of Science Day and other events in accordance with the same idea. For the regular generation and utilisation of knowledge, both national and international conferences are organised. The organisation is constantly improving and updating its capacities for teaching and research. Modern audio-visual technology and other teaching aids are being incorporated, as well as the science instrumentation centre is being enhanced. Internet access and widespread use of e-governance are now necessities. The SAGE Group has chosen to have research and development as its primary area of concentration.