Use of Modern Technology in Agriculture Sector

Use of Modern Technology in Agriculture Sector

The most pressing issue in the world today is the food supply. The demand for food has increased at more than twice the rate of population growth in the last 35 years. In fact, according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), about 10% of the global population, or 815 million people, are malnourished and do not have enough food to lead active and healthy lives. The use of modern technology in the agriculture sector is widespread. It has helped the farmers in many ways. Adoption of new and improved technologies has increased the production and productivity of crops. This has also helped in reducing the production cost. The use of technology has also made the process of farming easier and more efficient.

Some of the popular technologies used in the agriculture sector are:

1.    Soil Sensor: Soil sensor is used to measure soil moisture level, temperature and other factors affecting crop growth. The data collected by the sensors is transmitted wirelessly to the farmer, who can adjust his farming practices accordingly.

2.    GPS technology: GPS technology is widely used in precision farming. It helps to find out the boundaries of the field and apply fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides correctly. This reduces wastage and increases efficiency.

3.    Weather monitoring: Farmers can now access real-time weather data that can help them decide when to sow, how to irrigate and what type of crop to grow. This information can be obtained through weather apps or websites, or through dedicated weather stations on the farm.

4.    Automation: Automation has been widely adopted in agricultural processes like sowing, transplanting, harvesting etc. This has reduced the dependence on manual labour and increased efficiency.

5.    Drones: Drones are being used extensively for mapping, surveying and crop monitoring. They help in collecting data that can be used for planning and execution of agricultural activities.

6.    Agricultural Robots: Agricultural robots are being developed to perform various tasks on farms, such as milking cows, picking fruits and vegetables, and even cutting grass. These robots can work for long periods of time without getting tired and can often do a better job than human workers.

7.    Satellite Imagery: Satellite imagery is used for weather forecasting, crop monitoring and yield analysis. It helps farmers to take timely decisions regarding irrigation, cropping pattern etc.

Technology has played an important role in increasing agricultural productivity. For example, the use of mechanization has reduced the need for manual labour, thus increasing efficiency and production. The introduction of irrigation systems has also helped boost production by making it possible to grow crops in otherwise dry areas. In addition, modern technology has made it possible to develop high-yielding crop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases. The use of technology in agriculture has also had a positive impact on food security. Increasing production has helped ensure that more people have access to nutritious and affordable food. Modern technology in agriculture has increased production and productivity. This in turn has improved food security and income for farmers. In addition, it has helped create new jobs and improve the quality of life for rural communities.

Also, read this blog post: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Impact of Agricultural Technology on Consumers

Agricultural technology has affected consumers in many ways. The use of modern technology has helped farmers to increase the production of crops and livestock. This has also helped in improving the quality of the products. The use of new technology has also reduced the cost of production. The adoption of new technology has also led to the development of new methods of marketing and distribution of agricultural products. This has helped the farmers to reach a wider market for their products. The use of technology has also helped in creating new jobs in the agriculture sector.

Impact of Agricultural Technology on Farmers

In recent years, agricultural technology has had a significant impact on farmers around the world. With the help of technology, farmers are now able to increase their yields and produce more crops than ever before. Additionally, they can also reduce their costs by using less labour and inputs. However, there are also some drawbacks to the use of technology in agriculture. One of the main problems is that it can lead to excessive dependence on machines and chemicals, which can be expensive to maintain. Apart from this, if it is not used properly, it can also harm the environment.

Agricultural technology can create new jobs

Technology can also help create new jobs in the agriculture sector. For example, the use of mobile phones and other digital technologies is providing new opportunities for farmers to connect to markets and sell their products directly to consumers. Apart from this, development of value-added services like agri-tourism is creating new employment opportunities in rural areas.


With the use of modern technology, agricultural productivity has increased manifold. In fact, it is one of the few areas where labour-saving devices have been fully utilized. Today a farmer can do the work of many men and women with the help of machines. This not only saves time but also reduces cost and increases production.

Poonam Chourasiya
Assistant Professor
School of Agriculture 
SAGE University, Bhopal