Seaweed Farming: A Future Ocean Farming

Seaweed Farming: A Future Ocean Farming

The ocean is a source of salt water which curb 70 % of the surface earth. On our planet ocean functions as a production house of oxygen & removal of carbon dioxide from nature. To prevent our natural assets from the effect of climate change such as rising sea levels, marine heat waves & ocean acidification we can cultivate seaweed in our ocean. Commercially seaweed farming can capture a large scale of carbon& could be enacted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the universal food production system by carbon offset. To view the present condition of our earth, practices of seaweed farming may be the intelligent step to revive the life of our ocean & slow down the change of climate.

Generally, seaweed is grouped under the macro algae& it serves as a great source of protein, minerals, vitamins & dietary fiber. For its promising nature on several health benefits, now seaweed is a demandable crop for merchandising. Rocky substratum with shallow coastal water body is an ideal zone of maritime states for the cultivation of seaweed & getting optimum production from it. Mostly the crucial implication of seaweed is as a source of agar, agarose & carrageenan content for the cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals & drugs, Bio laboratories, the painting & paper industry & processed foods. In India, 434 species of red algae, 215 species of green algae & 194 species of brown algae are farmed and processed for commercial production.

For achieving maximum outputs by minimum inputs from seaweed yield, Continuous monitoring with disease management are essential. A transparent water bodies with mild water currents help to produce suitable production of seaweed. Normally bamboo rafts or tube nets by a cluster setting and seaweed are cultivated thereby keeping them in a free-floating stage or fixed. In seaweed farming the stocking densities should be controlled through the selection of species & mode of operation. Casually seaweed crop can be produced within 45 – 60 days by continuous monitoring & management practices also.

Nowadays the different categorized green seaweed influences the seafood market for their great effect on the treatment of cancer. Processed green seaweed capsules &tablets are expected to regulate the pharmaceuticals market in the upcoming time. Besides green seaweed, brown seaweed cultivation would be popular during the divine period due to its widespread activity such as agricultural industry, food & beverages & animal feed.

The Indian Government has taken an action and made some policies for the successful production of seaweed through an investment of 86.8 million $. Now the coastal fisherman & women’s community can get benefit by cultivating seaweed under the blue revolution scheme. They also can get training & subsidy support from the Department of Fisheries of the state govt.


Dr. Rakhi Das
Dept. Of Aquaculture
School of Agriculture