Importance of Workplace Health & Safety

Importance of Workplace Health & Safety

Workplace health and safety has always been little known to employees in any occupation. As a result, employees are not aware of their welfare, health and safety perks. 

Occupational health is defined as the highest degree of mental, physical and social well-being in all occupations. There are in total 16 laws in context to conditions at work and employment. Prevention of hazards is a primary concern of any of these laws. The objective is to evaluate stress factors at the workplace and promote a high quality of occupational health, thereby rethinking people’s standard of living.        

The Indian constitution has a detailed provision about citizen rights and lays down Directive principles of state policy. These principles provide employees safety, health, and strength, such that minors are not abused nor forced by any situation whatsoever (as per Article 39). The policymakers must take steps favouring employees to secure their participation in management and engaging in industry activities. It is one of the significant concerns given to the Ministry of Labor and employment under the Government of India Acts. It manages the overall activities related to decision making and laying down acceptable guidelines.

It’s a legitimate concern when we talk about workplace health and safety in the context of human enterprise. It is a significant priority for management as safe lives increase productivity and reduce many costs involved in various areas with safe working conditions. Careless working, toxic substances, noise, badly maintained workstations are a few work hazards resulting in bad occupational health.

It is a shared responsibility of both employee and employer to work in a specific condition affecting the responsibilities flow. Safety at work includes personal safety, a safe environment and safe behaviour. Employees have a responsibility to take all necessary actions to ensure the health and safety and the organization. They are required to use all materials, equipment, devices, and clothing provided by the employer (Canadian Labor Code, 2015).

Mahima Nand

Assistant Professor

School of Design

SUB, Bhopal