On13 October 2021, the Executive Editor of ABP News, Mr. Abhigyan Prakash Visited SUB

On13 October 2021, the Executive Editor of ABP News, Mr. Abhigyan Prakash Visited SUB

On13 October 2021, the Executive Editor of ABP News, Mr. Abhigyan Prakash, interacted with the students and teachers of the SAGE University at Sage Royal Auditorium. The main objective of the interaction is how digital media affects the general public living in today's age. He said clearly that how today entire Indian Media is divided into two parts. He emphasized that we have to do our work honestly, and by working like this one day, we will bring change to society. For this work, Mr. Prakash encouraged the youth to go advance and work. He told the youth that if someone does not agree with you, it does not matter, but you have to keep doing your job; he has to take forward positive change.

He said the right things but is today's Indian media paying more attention to India and less on Bharat? The day our media starts paying attention to Bharat, the picture of this country will be different. Perhaps neither any media person nor our leaders understand this.

Dr. Manish Mishra


School of Arts & Humanities

SUB, Bhopal