Er. Sanjeev Agrawal, Featured in Globally Recognized Fortune Magazine, July Edition 2021

Er. Sanjeev Agrawal, Featured in Globally Recognized Fortune Magazine, July Edition 2021

Globally renowned magazine Fortune has featured India’s impressive business leaders in the July Edition 2021. Er. Sanjeev Agrawal, CMD at The Sage Group and chancellor at SAGE University, Bhopal< Madhya Pradesh, is also featured as the promising business leader in India. We are glad and proud that our respected CMD sir’s success journey is noticed nationally and globally. 

In Fortune July Edition, they have appreciated the progress and vision of the SAGE Group. In addition, Forbes magazine has also featured Er. Sanjeev Agrawal appreciated his contribution in various sectors, including real estate, commercials, education, schools, university, power projects, and even health care facilities. In Madhya Pradesh, Er. Sanjeev Agrawal is known as the most promising business leader in the field of real estate and education. 


May be an image of 10 people, people standing and textsiness leaders in the July Edition 2021. Er. Sanjeev Agrawal, CMD at The Sage Group and chancellor at SAGE University, Bhopal< Madhya Pradesh, is also featured as the promising business leader in India. We are glad and proud that our respected CMD sir’s success journey is noticed nationally and globally. 

Er. Sanjeev Agrawal, CMD at The Sage Group

The Sage Group is proliferating under the guidance of Mr. Agrawal. Times of India, the most extensive media group in India, has awarded him as “Times Man of the Year” in 2020. Moreover, many national and international institutions awarded Er Agrawal for his valuable contributions in the field of education by establishing two schools, the best engineering college and the best private university in Bhopal