The Contribution of Advanced Technology in Aquaculture Production

The Contribution of Advanced Technology in Aquaculture Production

Technology is the implication of scientific expertise which can upgrade & initiate human life tremendously. Day by day we utilize different types of advanced technology to secure our continuous food demand. Three-quarters of our earth is water and one-half is land. Uses of different types of fertilizer, pesticides & urbanization created pressure on our land & destroy the soil quality for optimum crop production. The application of traditional & intensive culture systems for the production of aquatic organisms is now inadequate to fulfil our food stipulation.

Aquaculture defines the rearing of aquatic organisms in the aquatic body such as freshwater, brackish water & marine water. Innovation & approach of advanced technology in the aquaculture field play a major role in getting optimum production from any type of aquaculture system.

Digital Farming merge precision farming & smart farming concepts. Disease prevention, vaccine delivery, fish feed management & sustainable aquaculture by using various kinds of devices & sensors are now very popular in this field. Generally, cage, raft & pen cultures are practiced in the open sea. Management & monitoring in the open sea culture seems to be difficult in comparison to fresh water aquaculture system. Advanced hydroacoustic technology help to monitor fish or aquatic organism under the open sea. Administration of artificial intelligence also supports recognizing the fish behaviour during their feeding. Besides these using smart sensing, practices of underwater drone data collectors, augmented reality and virtual reality decrease the fish mortality rate, feed loss rate & risk factors.

The application of molecular biology & genetic tools can be the best weapon for boost up our fish reproduction & conserving endangered species successfully. These advanced technologies have a great function in our biodiversity & global market for the high growth rate of fishes, low FCR, disease resistance& improvement of sterility issues. Execution of molecular techniques for screening, distinguishing & isolation of the fish pathogen assists to control the potential disease & treatment of the disease by appropriate vaccine delivery through microencapsulation which enlarges our fish production rate in the global market.

Usance of bioremediation in the aquaculture field assists in the degradation of waste material which severely damages the fish stock & environment also. Implications of aquaponics technology for organic crop production, production of fish through adopting a biofloc system or utilizing beneficial microorganisms for filtering the water now increased our fish production rate from the past.

In capture fisheries, the addition of solar technology in fisherman boats, developed sonar & navigation systems helps our fishermen catch the fish efficiently & drop the possible risk factors. Awareness of proper utilization of application of new technology & suitable training program on these technologies can change our aquaculture production to a new dimension.


Dr. Rakhi Das
Assistant Professor
SAGE University, Bhopal