Civil Services- Prestige and Challenge

Civil Services- Prestige and Challenge

Everyone sees dreams but not everyone costs to fulfill them. Dreams are also fulfilled by those who pay the price for them. One such dream is to become an IAS. Union Public Service Commission conducts Civil Services Examination every year to become an IAS. Every year lakhs of youth prepare for the examination of civil service for some seats. This difficulty makes this exam unique. This is the toughest exam in India. Only those who follow discipline and patience get success in this examination. Although traditionally students start their preparation from graduation, many students also start their preparation from high school.


Strategy and Study Material


After studies of higher secondary or graduation, one should be decided that you have to go to civil service. It takes 2 to 3 years of preparation for civil services. It is better than the student should start preparing for it from the time of his graduation. Start preparing for the Civil Services exam by studying NCERT books. Along with this, keep the syllabus of Civil Services with you and prepare accordingly. Most of the students make only one subject of their graduation as a subject of the mains examination. Because they prepare this subject for three years in graduation.


Preparation for contemporary issues


To prepare for current affairs, students should read newspapers regularly. The Hindu, Indian Express, Jansatta, Times of India etc. can be taken in good news. Students can also take the assistance of previous year’s questions papers. Students with the help of magazines can also enriched their contemporary issues.


Concentration is necessary for studies


To clear the Civil Services exam, it is important that you stay focused on your goal. Because civil services exam is not a banking or SSC exam, in which success is achieved only by earning factual information. Therefore, you have to make sacrifices for the preparation for this exam, without this, you cannot do anything in this exam. You will have to give two to three years for civil service. Your life cycle in these three years should be in line with your goal.


How much study is necessary?


Although one year is enough for the Civil Services Examination, if the entire students do not have the same mental level, then it may take more or less time. A regular schedule of six hours of study should be enough for the students. If students want, they can to discuss studies with their friends they can also do this for the upliftment of knowledge in a day. At least one day of the week should be kept for revisits. At the same time, give time to entertainment as this will generate new energy in the students, which they can use positively in their studies. If students want, they can also solve their problems by sitting with their seniors. You also work with writing because after the preliminary exam, your writing skills are to be tested in the main exam.


Students appearing in the Civil Services Examination should also keep their Plan B ready, if for some reason they do not get success, then they can filter the other option. History, World History, Geography, Economics, etc, are some subjects which students have to study in this preparation, which will be helpful in your future as well. Maintaining a positive outlook towards life and having clarity of purpose will always motivate you in this harsh time of preparation.



Dr. Dristipal Parihar

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Sage University Bhopal