Youth And The New Risks Of Social Media

Youth And The New Risks Of Social Media

Social media is now being discussed for more harm than good. Many recent studies show that social media is affecting the lives of ordinary people more than the extent, both physically and mentally.

Recently research published in the General of Global Information Management has proved that social media is not only causing mental stress, but now its physical side effects are also coming to the fore. By reviewing more than 50 research papers related to social media in the last 15 years, Sydney's University of Technology has counted about four dozen disadvantages of using social media platforms. According to this detailed research, the side effects of social media include anxiety, depression, harassment, and abetment to suicide and risks such as privacy concerns, loss of performance, loss of social interaction, disturbing content, and cyberbullying.

The first social media platform was six degrees, launched in 1997 in the American city of New York. In 2003, MYSPACE and year 2004 Hi5 new social media platform commenced.

In the year 2004, FACEBOOK was introduced, and today approx. 2 Arab 85 crore users are of FB. 

As per the survey, Indians mainly contribute approximately 3.04 hours in watching television, 2.24 hours in social media,1.53 hours in listening to songs, and just 1.21 hours in playing. This shows that Indians use their least time for playing activities in a day. According to the age group, our data indicates that our teenagers mainly contribute valuable time to social media.

Age Group Average Time 

                               16-24 Years Approx. 3 Hours

                               25-34 Years Approx. 3 Hours

                               35-44 Years Approx. 2 Hours     

                               45-54 Years Approx. 2 Hours 

                               55-64 Years Approx. 1 Hours         

As per the survey, Forty Crore people of India use What's up, twenty crore people use Facebook, and approx. 8.80 crore people use Instagram. 

According to the Pew Research study, excessive use of social media results from depression. Based on studies of many psychologists, the more use of social media creates a comparison of an individual among all the social media users, and an individual found himself incompetent among all, which leads to depression. Such individuals are surrounded by a mental disorder named 'social media anxiety syndrome.'

Based on a CNN survey, forty percent of American youth believe that the contents in social media create problems in society and make a large gap between the community.

So, in the present scenario, we can't say that social media always harms society. Still, it is an individual's duty at what level they operate social media. 

DR. Dristipal Singh Parihar

Assistant Professor

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

SAGE University, Bhopal