Parenting and Children's Mental Health

Parenting and Children's Mental Health

The way nobody can predict a child’s behavior and personality similarly it’s impossible to possess a set parenting style throughout. In today’s time giving birth to a child is far easier than raring them and each parent at some point in time has to face their own difficulties and complications. From the very moment of conception and beyond, a dizzying array of influences bombard the babies from all directions be it genetics, toxins, peers, parents, siblings, poverty, wealth, diseases, culture, schools, trauma, random events, and lots of more. It’s a singular journey for each parent on earth. Everyone gets stuck at some time and too often parents blame themselves when their children encounter problems, but they obviously hold only some of the cards that are dealt with their kids. However, parents play an awfully important role in helping their kids, guiding them, and providing them emotional and physical support once they run into obstacles or face any difficult situation in life. Being a parent and knowing the way to react when problems arise doesn’t always come naturally to all. Childhood is the most learning and crucial period of life, a child not only needs a physically healthy environment to grow well but also needs mental and emotional support from both the parents and the family. It’s very important for both the parents to not only guide their child, teach those values, and lifelong lesions, but also understand them well and support them with their physical and mental needs. Provide them with a sense of security, love, care, and assurance to always stand by their side no matter what.  A child can only rely on his\her parents stuck in any problem and complicated situation. And that’s when the parent could either support their child and show them the right path or could lose their child’s trust in them forever, neglect them and leave them to suffer in that particular situation. It’s not really possible for a parent to every time keep an eye on their child, and spoon-feed them in the right direction, but at the same time neglecting their own offspring, not trusting or understanding them is also not a wise thing to do. If your kid in any case seems to consistently be hitting a brick wall and desires help, you will feel a range of strong emotions in your desire to assist your young one. You will feel grief, anger, or refuse to believe the accuracy of an assessment of your child. Powerful emotions like anger, frustration, excitement, fear, curiosity, and sadness have to be sorted out because they'll get within the way of fogeys being the most effective advocates they will be for his or her children. 

Parenting in today’s era has become plenty more complicated as nowadays as it’s the time of experimenting, parents further try new ways to handle, educate and side by side tolerate their kids. Certain parents in our society board complete denial when it’s about their child’s mental and physical health. For example, the chance that one’s child features a genetic problem, a physical challenge, emotional difficulties, or behavioral issues isn’t a pleasing thought. The subsequent parental reactions reflect denial and disagreements: 

✓ “That simply can’t be true.” 
✓ “My child behaves fine at home; it must be the school’s fault.” 
✓ “My child is absolutely normal, he just acts stubborn and rigid sometimes.” 

Sometimes even the very educated ones don’t really understand the proper situation sometimes, and sometimes blame their child for not being serious or responsible enough. It’s not that parents should accept everything and anything that an expert may need to mention about their kids. But blatant denial slams the door on communication and prevents the likelihood of user intervention. But to a particular extent, it takes plenty of your time to form them to understand and accept the matter and pander to it in a rightful manner for the good thing about the kid. Taking about the fogeys of youngsters who are intellectually fit and mentally strong do face some issues regarding Feeling anxious and fearful, not giving the kid freedom to explore, having trust issues, keeping a rigid eye on their peers and friend circle and sometimes not providing them enough opportunities to grow on their own, take independent decisions. Then technology and social media play an enormous role in negatively influencing both parents and kids in numerous areas. Parents have to concentrate on what they'll do to assist their child live life fully, despite any limitations. Realizing the advance and highly effective interventions that exist today for the overwhelming majority of childhood problems. Even in cases where the kids are likely to be profoundly affected for a lifetime (such as severe autism or serious intellectual disabilities), parents discover much to like and appreciate their child.

When parents find themselves in the position of desirous to help a baby with problems, sometimes they get confused about their roles. Parents find themselves eager to help their kids, as they ought to naturally. And since they feel great empathy for their children’s problems, they often slip into an eagerness to be their child’s supporters. They require paying attention, nurturing, and being best buddies. Listening, supporting, and nurturing are literally great things to do! Best buddies? Not such a lot. Especially when kids have problems, they have their parents be leaders. Parents have to set limits and bounds. Children feel safe when an adult takes charge and provides clear expectations and structure. Sure, parents feel empathy and compassion for their children’s plight. But sometimes parents must push and that’s a task that leaders play, not best friends. Parents naturally feel pitying their kids after they experience trouble. Thus, they need to rescue them from difficult feelings in any way that they will. Sometimes this means they begin letting their kids out of basic responsibilities like chores around the house, cleaning up after themselves, doing their homework, and so on.


Ms. Radhika Sahu
Assistant Professor of Psychology
School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences