Liquid Organic Fertilizers from Kitchen Waste

Liquid Organic Fertilizers from Kitchen Waste

Introduction: Management techniques of agricultural production are nowadays focused on a greater commitment to environmental sustainability. On this way, organic agriculture, accepted by the EU and the FAO as an alternative system to conventional agriculture, appears to be an environmentally friendly growing system since mineral Use of fertilizers and are responsible for health problems and environmental pollution. Many organic farmers are trying to find natural ways to improve soil structure and fertility. Homemade organic liquid fertilizers, when manufactured properly, can be just as effective as commercially produced liquid fertilizers. Organic liquid fertilizers are available in a variety of forms. For instance, compost tea is a potent fertilizer, while coffee grounds are supposed to supply enough nitrogen to plants. Kitchen trash is used to make a large percentage of organic fertilizers. However, rather of throwing things out, there are many more things that can be converted into effective fertilizer for use in an organic garden. To use the waste to generate a special substance that is liquid fertilizer which can replace maximum amount of chemicals. The basic concept of this article is just to give pollution less alternative with maximum number of advantages. One of them is that the fertilizer made is in liquid state and thus can spread earlier as compared to solid fertilizers used now a day.

Eggshell Fertilizer: Eggshell contains maximum calcium and a small percentage of potassium. Crush them, put in a mason jar, and fill it with water. Let it sit for a week and use the water on your plants. It is ideal for tomatoes and houseplants. Calcium helps prevent blossom-end rot.

Onion peels: Onion and garlic peels are a great way to add nutrients to your plant compost without spending any money. So don't throw away the skins, use them to create organic potassium-rich fertilizer for all your plants growing indoors or outdoors. Using them will increase their disease resistance, growth, and productivity. Take a handful of onion peels in water for 24 hours.

Potato peel: Potato peels can be used as fertilizer only if composted. Potato skins are rich in nutrients for plants but should be composted carefully before returning to the soil and using potato water in the garden is a good way to give it to them. Always use unsalted potato water, let it cool for a while and then use it to water your houseplants.

Banana Peels: Banana peels come with loads of potassium. Fertilizers that are rich in potassium are good for flowers and fruit plants. This, however, may not be appropriate for foliage plants such as spinach and lettuce. Soak two to three banana skins in water for a few days. The minerals will leach into the water, which you can then use as it is for your plants, with no need to dilute.

Compost Tea: In a bucket, begin by placing compost, followed by water and a lid. Ensure the bucket is not tightly locked. Let it sit for one to two days and pour the water in a different bucket. Dilute it in a ratio of one to ten and use the mixture in the organic garden.

Cow dung liquid: Cow dung water for plants is an excellent fertilizer highly rich with organic matter which helps to improve aeration and break up compacted soils. Our high quality cow dung helps in adding extra nutrients and minerals to your home and garden soil.

Application and Advantage: One of the most important benefits of liquid organic fertilizer is that it is 100% natural. It is a liquid so it can be sprayed on over areas using various different types of machinery. Liquid organic fertilizer is known to boost unhealthy gardens which have been affected by dry weather conditions. Within 6 weeks of using, green will start to appear and your garden will be back on its way to beauty and greenery.

Another one of the important benefits of this product is that it is able to retain large amounts of water and slowly feed it off the soil, plants and trees which surround it. As a result of this less watering is required. Liquid organic fertilizer can hold water for up to 2 weeks so in some cases watering does not need to be done in this time. Some of the other benefits in which liquid organic fertilizer offers include: 

•    Increases crop yields 
•    Environmentally safe 
•    Not manure based and therefore does not have a strong smell 
•    No Chemical run-off 
•    Increases root development on plants 
•    Delays the aging process of leaves vii. Increases resistance to plant disease and insects 
•    Increases the plants nutrient uptake.

Conclusion: There are many scientific evidence data support the idea that liquid organic fertilizers can be successfully used as a substitute of mineral fertilizers in crop/plant nutrient management under drip irrigation, since they enhance soil chemical fertility, prevent excessive nitrate-N concentration, promote plant growth and C fixation in the plant. Moreover, these fertilizers would allow not only to reduce the use of chemicals, but also to re-use crop residues and animal manure, conferring them an added value. Nevertheless, further studies should be addressed in order to evaluate these results in field conditions.


Mr. Anand Rao Azad
School of Agriculture,
SAGE University Bhopal