SAGE University’s Curriculum & the Integration of the New Education Policy

SAGE University’s Curriculum & the Integration of the New Education Policy

There are two sections to this article. The important changes made to higher education in the New Education Policy (NEP), 2020, enacted by the Government of India, are described in the first section. The second section describes how the NEP's requirements for higher education have been implemented at SAGE University. India's educational system must provide a holistic and interdisciplinary education, as wonderfully exemplified in Indian history, in order to guide the nation towards the twenty-first century and the fourth industrial revolution. Arts, humanities, and social science students will all strive to learn more science, and they will all try to include more vocational and soft skill areas.

Even engineering schools like the IITs will transition to a more comprehensive, interdisciplinary curriculum that emphasizes the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Creative pairings of subjects for the study will be made possible through flexible and imaginative curriculum architectures. They would provide a variety of entry and departure points, eliminating the strict limits that are now in place and opening up fresh opportunities for lifelong learning. While offering rigorous research-based specialization, graduate-level, master's, and doctoral education in big multidisciplinary universities would also provide chances for interdisciplinary work, including in academia, government, and business.

The transition to high-quality holistic and interdisciplinary education will be facilitated by sizable multidisciplinary institutions and colleges. Students will have access to unique and exciting course alternatives as well as rigorous topic specialization in addition to curricular flexibility (s). Increased faculty and institutional autonomy in developing courses will facilitate this. The emphasis on communication, discussion, debate, research, and possibilities for interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary thinking will rise in pedagogy. The flexible and creative curriculum of all HEIs must include credit-based courses and projects in the areas of community participation and service, environmental education, and value-based education in order to achieve such a comprehensive and interdisciplinary education.

Climate change, pollution, waste management, sanitation, biological diversity conservation, management of biological resources and biodiversity, forest and wildlife conservation, and sustainable development will all be included in environmental education. Lessons in service and participation in community service programs will be seen as essential components of holistic education. Value-based education will include the development of humanistic, ethical, constitutional, and universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love, nonviolence, scientific temper, citizenship values, and also life skills. Global Citizenship Education will enable students to become aware of and comprehend global concerns and become active supporters of more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure, and sustainable communities as a response to today's global challenges. In addition, as part of holistic education, students at all HEIs will have the chance to complete research internships with faculty and researchers at their own or other HEIs/research institutions. This will allow students to actively engage with the practical side of their learning and, as a by-product, improve their employability.

When viewed in the framework of the New Education Policy 2020, as was previously detailed, SAGE University is attempting to meet all of the requirements listed in the policy as early as its first year. While the institution has implemented CBCS, degree programs at the Bachelor's and Master's levels have made Project-Based Learning (PBL) a component of the curriculum since the first year in order to promote research. Yoga and Green Credit have also been incorporated into the curriculum in order to help kids develop their personalities. The general growth of the students was also taken into consideration when they were enrolled in university, which has been given the most priority in the new education strategy. To participate in extracurricular activities of the students in addition to their academics, which aid in their general development, university students establish a variety of clubs in this context.

Finally, the student is made to set up a business or a career in accordance with the current circumstances once they have completed their university education and are ready to return to society for a living. In this situation, initiatives are being taken to help students grow from the start of their academic careers and improve their talents in line with the market. By establishing MoUs with other institutions, the university makes this effort on behalf of the students. In addition, the university consistently works in this direction by establishing MoUs with the most cutting-edge schools to give its students this chance. This integration of the New Education Policy 2020 into our curriculum has been the most significant step in advancing our teaching and learning approach at SAGE University. We intend to provide excellence in education in Central India with an aim to empower the country.