Is Ethic Dead or hasn’t been Passed On?

Is Ethic Dead or hasn’t been Passed On?

Whom to blame when an individual comes across unethical youth? Minute interactors seem to resonate less but the people dealing with them on regular basis seems to have similar opinion may it be parents, teachers, odd-job workers, grandparents and so on the closed link of guardian goes on. People come from an era where the elderly people are considered godly figures and treated so becomes hard to work with or be part of such gatherings where even a greeting is once in a blue moon thing. Talking about ethics not only involves listening to the guardian and following it but even more basic forms of ethical greeting “Namaste” “Good Morning” or even addressing the presence of an elderly in the common room is lacking among the youth.

While discussing the causes for the same many aspects or reasons should be kept in mind. First of all family structure is reduced from JOINT family to NUCLEAR family because of which exposure to generations and elderly figures have restricted. Secondly, spiritual awareness, meditations so, and societal rituals for youth have always been a subject of orthodox practice since childhood as parents of the current generation in itself are working so they don’t hinder the work by keeping the ceremonies in priority without releasing they are inculcating the same values among their children. Thirdly, COVID-19 which made people complete their life in a nutshell as segregated from the entire world started considering everything casual and laid back attitude has resulted in such behavioral practices. Lastly, the virtual world has taken over headspace of every individual effortlessly and the reel world has more value in one’s life than real life.

All these major aspects combined formed a solid base with a few minor aspects on and off relating to a few. Blaming one set of people for e.g. only parents, teachers and social media can’t be the solution. Turning it into a positive debate about what measures can be made to eradicate such ill behavior of youth by incorporating ethical values and for later generations to disseminate as one hell of an addiction. First, interaction with the elderly should be increased if one family has no grandparents then associate kids with grandparents of the colony, building or old age home. Secondly, enrol children after 18 in one community service of their liking it can be with NGO’S or NSS which will make them aware about other kind of society as well. Third, develop an interest in Yoga and meditation which helps in calming down and increases level of patience among the individual this step should be practiced by the guardian as well, as it will pave the way for healthy communication. Lastly, trust and entitle kid with one important job of the house, institution or any place of that matter without any interference let the kid do the job which will enlighten the spirit of responsibility and respect for the person who used to do it in prior.

Apart from following these major steps, few minor steps which an guardian can keep in mind are- firstly, “you ripe what you sow” if you treat your kids and elderly with respect and that’s what will pass on among kids. Secondly, if you want to be heard start listening wisely. Thirdly, leave obsession with children and start reasoning them with valid points. Lastly, Space is required in every relation of life both guardian and kids should leave some areas in their life untouched by other until and unless it requires consideration. For those who don’t know “Ethics is not just a philosophical subject its and ideal way to be a good human”.


Ms. Swejal Sharma