Bachelor of Agriculture & Its Scope in India

Bachelor of Agriculture & Its Scope in India

As you know that agriculture is the backbone of our country and more than 65% of people of India is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood, so in this regard, agriculture has broad career objectives to fulfill the huge need of every Indian and by exporting agriculture commodity out of India for the gain of foreign currency.

So it is now important to build your career in agriculture because it has vast opportunities in itself because it is the livelihood as well as a future need of every Indian so by contributing your research in agriculture you can fulfill the need of Indian agriculture.

First of all, in agriculture there is a Bachelor of Agriculture program called (Ag.) and for this course, you have to opt for one of three subjects in your higher secondary either you can opt Mathematics or Biology as a core subject and you can opt core Agriculture also and after that, you will become eligible for getting admission in Ag. In different colleges or universities by clearing various central as well as state government admission exams and after you are also eligible for doing and P.hd in Agriculture.

After doing you can go for various competitive exams for getting a government jobs as you can go for

1. RAEO (Rural Agriculture Extension Officer)

2. Agriculture Supervisor

3. UPTA (Uttar Pradesh Technical Assistance)

4. Food Corporation of India

5. National Seed Corporation 

6. Assistant Quality Controller 

7. Seed Inspector

By qualifying for this exam you can gain up to 4, 20,000/annum 

And in the Private sector there are also many opportunities like you can work in any seed company, fertilizer company, Pesticide Company and gain up to 5, 00,000/ annum, etc.

And after you are eligible for some big exams like SADO, ADA, Quality controller, Subject matter specialist in KVK, and Technical assistant and can gain up to 5, 76,000 and also for ARS exams.

And after your P.hD you would go for research-related work in Agriculture to work for your country's future and hunger need and will make your country more self-sufficient.

It is an evergreen field; no one can stop you to achieve your goals.

And we in SAGE UNIVERSITY provide you with the best agriculture field with a polyhouse and agriculture lab for your skill improvement with well-qualified teachers of the Agriculture stream.


Arpita Pandey
Asst. Professor
School of Agriculture (SOAG)