B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture


The SAGE School of Agriculture at SAGE University Bhopal is a state of the art school dedicated to serve the nation. The school envisions providing an atmosphere not only for healthy academic activities but also for all-round development of student. The Educational program at School of agriculture provide transparency, flexibility to pursue a successful career in Agriculture. SAGE University Bhopal commits to provide accessible infrastructure and competitive scholarship schemes for meritorious students to pursue the course.

In the current academic session, the school will offer 4 year Bachelor of Science (Hons.) program in Agriculture (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture). The Department well equipped with smart classrooms to provide ambient teaching facilities. Laboratories with advanced instrumentation will felicitate practical oriented teaching substantiated by appropriate teaching and learning methodologies. We aim to provide infrastructure for quality education and research in the emerging areas of agriculture to bring a change at the grass-root level.


» To promote excellent education and research for development of sustainable agriculture
» Training courses for skill development for using splendid resources.
» Tackling the problems of agriculture, increasing the farmer's income.
» Promote new technologies for the improvement of agricultural sustainability.


    » Prospective students should have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from are recognized school board, with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology as subjects studied at the intermediate level.

    » Qualify the SAGE University entrance exam.


 4 Yrs    8 Sem     240

Career Opportunities :

  • Higher education in Agriculture.
  • ICAR institutes, SAUs - Young professional in Agriculture & allied projects.
  • Research Assistant –JRF/SRF/Research Assistant/ Teaching Associate.
  • State PSC like Agriculture Development Officer, Village Development Officer, Agricultural Extension Officer, District Plant Protection Officer, District Horticulture Officer etc, Quality Controller, Warehouse Manager, Fisheries Officer, District Fisheries Officer, Aquaculture Specialist and Consultants.
  • Central Government Jobs like Food Corporation of India (FCI), National Seed Corporation (NSC), Defence Research and Development Organisation DRDO, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Central Warehousing Corporation (DRDO) , National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited (HURL), Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO), Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) etc.
  • Bank jobs – IBPS SO Agricultural Officer, Regional Rural Banks, SBI Agriculture Associate.
  • Krishi Vigyan Kendra- Subject Matter Specialist, Project , Manager.
  • ATMA – Block Technical Manager/ Agricultural Coordinator.
  • MANAGE - Project Manager, Project Fellow, MANAGE fellow.
  • Agribusiness clinics & Kisan Call Centres.
  • Private sectors- Seed companies, Fish feed companies, Fertilizer companies, Biorganics agencies etc.
  • Agriculutral equipment & Tractor companies like Mahindra, John Deere, Sonlaika, TAFE, Jain irrigation etc.
  • NGOs- DeHaat, Pradhan, Digital Green, SEWA, ITC- echoupal, Start Ups.
  • International organisations- UNDP, IFAD, ICRISAT, SRISTI.
  • Consultancies – National & International Organisations.

Syllabus & Scheme :