Top 5 Reasons to Study B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture in India

Top 5 Reasons to Study B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture in India

Why To Choose B.Sc. Agriculture

B.Sc. Agriculture is a four-year undergraduate program that gives aspirants the skills and knowledge to become Agri-prenuer. In agriculture, you will have a bright future as new technology, and farming methods for better crop production demands Skilled Professionals. With the crisis in the agricultural area and massive usage of toxic farming methods, a person who wants to pursue a B.Sc. Agriculture becomes knowledgeable of the latest evolution and development in the field of the agricultural sector.

SAGE University Bhopal, a top private B.Sc. Agriculture University in India offers the best agriculture course where students from India enroll themselves to study and gain knowledge in this field of science. SUB offers a professional job-oriented B.Sc. Undergraduate Degree in Agriculture.

A Huge Amount of High-Tech Innovation Is Driving the Sector

Whether you’re interested in water, land, or soil, studying agriculture at university will present you with some of the difficulties facing this generation and the following age. Whatever your specialty and interests, your degree will introduce you to pressing environmental issues and supply challenges, as well as the influx of new innovative solutions and technology being developed and trialed.

Potential For Overseas Travel Within Agricultural Development

Some 75% of the world's poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods – but very few have access to advanced training, education, and technologies to enable them to live sustainably. Suppose you're interested in making a real impact and traveling. In that case, a degree in agricultural development will prepare you to contribute to sustainable farming, forestry, and food production in developing countries.

High Demand For New Farmers

Over the next few decades, a growing number of vacancies will be in demand, with potential higher wages for young minds with vision and ambition. Moreover, the agricultural sector desperately needs new entrants to substitute a generation of baby boomers a few years before retirement. If you are an aspiring horticulturist, landscape architect, agronomist, or fishery manager, you are lucky. Your expertise is uncommon in the world and essential to modern farming techniques wherever you desire to settle.

Changing Attitudes Toward Animal Welfare And The Environment Affect Farmers' Work

Strains on the atmosphere and farm beasts have created a worldwide call for more expertise and research on compassionate eco-friendly farming practices and solutions. Suppose you're keen to learn more about animal welfare, the production of food, and farmland preservation. In that case, agriculture courses will introduce you to the fundamentals and the new techniques used to support production.

Potential For Overseas Travel Within Agricultural Development

Some 75% of the world's poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods – but very few have access to advanced training, education, and technologies to enable them to live sustainably. Suppose you're interested in making a real impact and traveling. In that case, a degree in agricultural development will prepare you to contribute to sustainable farming, forestry, and food production in developing countries.

Population Growth Drives Demand For Improved Innovation And Efficiency

The global population is supposed to reach nine billion by 2050, and they will all need to be served. So, tremendous population growth will cause business opportunities in the coming years for young farmers and augment crop productivity by technology, research, and improved farming methods.  


Facts Of Agriculture in India

  • According to the second advance estimates for 2019-20, the total foodgrain production is 291.95 million tonnes approx. 
  • As the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) estimates, the call for foodgrain would rise to 345 million tonnes by 2030.
  • A study predicts that over 90 percent of Kirana stores in India will be digitalized by 2025 with a transparent supply chain and modern traceable logistics.

Scope in India After B.Sc. Agriculture 

  • Agriculture Research Scientist
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Subject Matter Specialist in KVK, Krishi Vigyan Kendra 
  • Plantation Manager
  • Field Officer
  • Extension Officer
  • Farm Manager
  • Officer in Quality Assurance in Related Fields
  • Research Officer
  • Production Manager
  • Agriculture Loan Officer in Banks
  • Business Development Manager
  • Operations Manager in Fertilizer Units
  • Food Processing Units in Government
  • Seed Technologies Firm 
  • Agri-Preneurship