Restorative Aquaculture: A Solution for Lessened the Global Warming

Restorative Aquaculture: A Solution for Lessened the Global Warming

In recent times, aquaculture is the most productive way to produce nutrient-rich food. Aquaculture supports both capture & culture fisheries which not only support our livelihood & economic development it also plays a major role to restore our lost ecological abundance. Different types of aquaculture are now practiced in the different zone by following some factors such as farming suitability, the implication of technology, return profit & hydro biological features.

Mostly aquaculture emissions of greenhouse gas through the production of artificial feed & dump out the fish waste into nature. For lowering greenhouse gas emission, a restorative aquaculture is an interdisciplinary approach involving direct ecological benefits to the environment. Generally, restorative aquaculture is based on the pillar of some base such as ecologically viable aquaculture, ecosystem approach to aquaculture, conservation aquaculture, stock enhancement, aquatic habitat restoration & nature-based solutions. Aquaculture can contribute various types of benefits to the aquatic environment as well as reduction of global warming under the proper conditions.

The ocean is the power house of oxygen & it can deduct a large amount of carbon by sequestration through phytoplankton, plant matter & microorganism’s also. The culture of seaweeds & marine bivalves in coastal water bodies is the best example of restorative aquaculture. A single hectare of a restorative farm can deduct more than a half ton of nitrogen efficiently which can save our money for wastewater treatment & clean our natural water bodies. The seaweeds can capture carbon dioxide from coastal water which is a great source of greenhouse gas and prevents our ocean from dreadful acidification. Bivalves farming help to improve the water quality of our oceans by filtering a huge amount of water per day.

A restorative farm assists to manufacture food in a sustainable way which has a great effect on ecological systems. It can recover the ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed. With marine or coastal restorative aquaculture, freshwater restorative aquaculture helps to lower global warming through microalgae culture units for fish larvae & fry as a live feed, farming of aquatic vegetation for commercial purpose.

The application of restorative aquaculture in onshore waters and land-based units helps to fulfill our food demand which will double in 2050. The culture of restorative aquaculture not only reduces greenhouse gas which is a prime issue for global warming but it can also regenerate nature to its former glory.

Dr. Rakhi Das
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Aquaculture
SAGE University, Bhopal