Myths about Nursing: One Step Away

Myths about Nursing: One Step Away

Nursing is one of the most amazing professions that tremendously benefits to society. Nurses are skilled healthcare professionals who are in charge of the wellbeing of patients around-the-clock. Without nurses, health services would no longer be provided.

Being a Nurse is both spiritually and financially rewarding, however many qualified people overlook the nursing career path due to a variety of untrue beliefs. Despite the fact that nursing is one of the most well-known healthcare professions, the society has certain misunderstandings about this Nursing Career. It will be simpler to decide whether a career in nursing is a good fit for anyone considering it after expose some of these nursing myths.

1.    Only females prefer to work as nurses- In fact, women make up the majority of the nursing workforce globally. Nonetheless, it is untrue that nursing is only a profession for women. An increasing number of males are considering careers in nursing.

The intention, expertise, and skills of a nurse count more than their gender. Both men and women participate to the care of patients who are afflicted with serious illnesses. Nursing abilities matter more than a nurse's gender when it comes to treating a sickness.

Although there are disproportionately more women than men, it might be challenging for males to consider nursing as a career. This unfavorable impression of nursing was considerably altered by the struggle against the COVID-19. Men and women worked together on the front lines to help patients get through their difficult times. The pandemic proved that nursing is more about patient care than gender difference.

2.    All doctor's orders are obeyed by nurses- Doctors and nurses play very different responsibilities in society. Both doctors and nurses are highly educated and skilled healthcare professionals, however doctors are trained to identify, cure, and prevent disease, whereas nurses frequently act as their patients' primary careers. They have closer relationships with patients and their families than doctors do, and they use the feelings of compassion and empathy that led them to all of this line of work to offer sympathy and deliver a comprehensive healthcare strategy that improves health outcomes of patient.

3.    Duties and commitments for all nurses are the same- People believe that nurses perform the same types of tasks. Most people are aware that doctors can specialized in a variety of areas, but fewer are aware that nurses can do the same. After completing your Graduation, you can apply for a Master's degree if you wish to work in a particular sector. Having special training enables nurses to take on various positions in the healthcare field. Nurses perform a variety of tasks, from learning how to manage nurses to receiving training to work in the specialist clinic.

4.    It's easier to become a nurse- It takes dedication, expertise, significant information gained from nursing college, and most essential, the character to be a caretaker, to be a nurse. Nursing is not an easy profession. Nurses face a variety of stressful scenarios on the job, and the pandemic showed this to community. Nurses had to do a lot to survive the disease outbreak, from staying alert throughout shifts to protect himself/herself from the virus - Also, not everyone can accomplish it.

5.    Finding a Job in nursing is simple due to a shortage of nurses- There is a nursing shortage does not automatically grant someone the right to practice nursing. But it does suggest that now is a great time to apply if it's something you're passionate about and think you have the requisite skills. Choosing a career in nursing is difficult. Hence, if you want to become a nurse, you must develop a profile that positions you as a qualified candidate. Strive hard to acquire a strong education. Also, you ought to gain experience through internships and perhaps even employment in clinics. Hospitals and clinics may not be willing to hire everyone who applies, even if there is a job need.

You must meet the requirements of the management if you wish to apply because the medical field involves people's lives. Hence, after becoming a registered nurse, you might want to consider studying for an Nursing degree and diploma if you're serious about becoming a nurse.

Nursing: Truth, Not Rumor-

The finest decisions people can make is to choose a nursing career since it is unique, gratifying, and personal for both men and women, a career as nurse is a fantastic choice. It's perfect for recent high school students as well as those who want to change careers in the future. It is an excellent time to research this demanding career so that effort may be focused on helping people who are ill and suffering because the nursing field is developing and there is a growing need for nurses.

Ganesh Lal Patidar 
Assistant Professor 
SAGE College of Nursing, Bhopal