Top Law College in Bhopal, School of Law and Legal Studies, SAGE University Bhopal

Industry Visit

SAGE School of Law & legal Studies and School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences organized one day IFDP for equipping the faculty members and students about the usage of MANUPATRA legal database.

School of Law and Legal studies, Arts Humanities and Social Sciences organised Industrial visit to Ananya Packaging Industries Private Limited Mandideep for prospective legal and psychological consultancy oriented opportunities. The industry is the largest manufacturing unit of rebounding foam. The scrap is imported from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Spain, Italy and many other countries. The students got to learn about manufacturing and packaging of mattresses. The supervisor told the students about the whole process. Students enjoyed the whole process and were satisfied with the visit. The visit was attended by 37 students and 3 faculties.

School of Law and Legal Studies had organized a visit to central jail Bhopal as a part of an experiential learning. The students interacted with prisoners and got to learn their lifestyle in jail where the prisoners work on daily wages. The students were also entertained by cultural band of the prisoners.