
As CSIR-NBRI is a pioneer institute in the field of plant-based research and commercialization of plant-based products, SAGE University Bhopal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow.

The benefits of this MoU, will work jointly for establishment of a floriculture unit for propagation of work at SAGE University Bhopal, (SUB) M.P., under floriculture mission. Apart from that, both institutions will also work closely in preparing common research programmes, faculty development programs, and Industry-oriented student development programs to generate appropriately trained manpower in the related areas through organization of formal academic curricula, symposia, short term training courses, etc.

This MoU was done due to splendid efforts shown by an interaction between Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan, from CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow with Dr. Govind Gupta from SAGE School of Agriculture, SAGE University Bhopal.