
A memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the SAGE University, Bhopal (SUB), (M.P.), India and Quest International University, Malaysia was signed to collaborate on various aspects of life and agricultural sciences and strengthen ties in academics, research and consultancies. Under this, both universities will jointly organize certificate and non-certificate courses on fields of common interest. It will help in the dissemination and advancement of knowledge in the field of Life Sciences, Agriculture Sciences & Physical Sciences. The MoA was signed on October 30, 2021 in the presence of Hon’ble Registrar-SUB, Mr. Sandeep Shrivastava along with Hon’ble Vice Chancellor- SUB, Dr. V.K. Jain, Hon’ble Director General- SUB (and mentor), Dr. Ashish Dutta. The agreement is a big step forward in achieving new international partnership for SUB and becoming a true global university by making its presence in South-East Asia. It will also open doors for our students and research scholars to visit QIU under student exchange program. On this occasion, the management of SUB and QIU congratulated each other and wished that the collaboration extends in other areas too. Later, both SUB and QIU plans to jointly conduct cutting edge research in the field of plant tissue culture (PTC) and also explore the possibilities of industrial consultancies.

Under the agreement, Dr. Ashok Khandel, SUB and Ts. Dr. Ranjetta Poobathy, QIU have jointly organized an international certificate training program on “Plant Tissue Culture for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development” from 10th Nov. 2021 to 23rd Nov. 2021. A total of 46 participants belonging from 18 countries participated in the training program.