Top Science Colleges in Bhopal, School of Science, SAGE University Bhopal

Industry Visit

Students of SAGE School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and SAGE School of Sciences visited Prayas De Addiction Centre on 17th November 2022. 54 student went there and learned about various types of addiction and its impact on physiological health, mental health and rate of crimes. Neuro psychiatrist Dr PriteshGautom. Faculty coordinators of the trip were Ms Radhika Sahu (Assistant Professor, SOAHSS) and Ms Rinkal Chaudhary (Assistant Professor, SOS).

The School of Sciences, SAGE University, Bhopal, organized an insightful industrial tour to L.M. Bakers Pvt. Ltd., Mandideep, Bhopal, for the students of M.Sc. Biotechnology/Microbiology (08 students) and B.Sc. Biotechnology/Microbiology (66 students). This visit aimed to provide students with practical exposure to food production processes, microbial testing, and biotechnological applications in the food industry. L.M. Bakers Pvt. Ltd. is a renowned manufacturer of baked goods, including bread, biscuits, and cakes, known for its commitment to high-quality standards. During the tour, students explored key areas such as raw material selection, production processes, and large-scale baking techniques. They gained valuable insights into how microorganisms like yeast are used in fermentation and learned about automated technologies involved in mass production. The visit was organized by Dr. Abhilasha Dwivedi and coordinated by - Dr. Sharmila Pandey, Dr. Mohit Kamthania, Dr. Vijay Baliyan and Ms. Alina

To mark forensic week, Department of Forensic Science (School of Sciences) conducted expert lecture on topic: "Sample Preservation and It's Chain of Custody". Expert for the session was Dr. Afsar Jahan, MD Forensic Medicine, Assistant Professor, LNCT Medical College.

The session focused on best practices for maintaining evidence authenticity throughout the investigative process, vital for justice system.

School of Sciences conducted an expert lecture titled Introduction of Forensic Psychology and Role of Lie Detection Test in Crime Investigation.

The expert invited for the session was Dr. Aruna Mishra, Assistant Director, FSL New Delhi. Session highlights included - case study discussion, important features of lie detector test.