Best Agriculture College in Bhopal, School of Agriculture, SAGE University Bhopal

Publications - Research Paper

Sr.No Details Topic Published By
1 Research Paper Optimization of growing conditions, substrate-types and their concentrations for acclimatization and post-acclimatization growth of in vitro-raised flame lily (Gloriosa superba L.) plantlets. Ashok Kumar Khandel
2 Research Paper Immunity Boosting Role of Medicinal Plants. Int. J. of Res. In Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Jaya Sharma
3 Research Paper Recent Developments in Lignocellulosic Biofuels, a Renewable Source of Bioenergy. Fermentation. Govind Gupta
4 Research Paper Srivastava, S., Usmani, Z., Atanasov, A.G., Singh, V.K., Singh, N.P., Abdel-Azeem, A.M., Prasad, R., Gupta, G.K., Sharma, M., & Bhargava, A. Biological Nanofactories: Using Living Forms for Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis. Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry. Govind Gupta
5 Research Paper Efficient protocol for indirect shoot regeneration from various explants of Mallotus philliprenesis-an endangered plant. International Journal of Current Research in Life Science. Jaya Sharma
6 Research Paper Seasonal Variation in warere quality of Manasbal lake ganderbal kashmir India. Wesleyan Journal of Research ISSN-0975-1386. Jaya Sharma
7 Research Paper Nonverbal Communications Through Bioindicators. Naveen Shodh Sansar. Jaya Sharma
8 Research Paper Seasonal Variations in Water Quality of Manasbal Lake, Ganderbal, Kashmir, India Jaya Sharma
9 Research Paper Corona sankat me yog avam swasthya- Volume I. Nalanda Publication. Jaya Sharma
10 Research Paper Effect of two culture media (MS & B5) on shoot induction of RUTA GRAVEOLENS. International Journal of Current Research in Life Science. Jaya Sharma
11 Research Paper Effect of various culture on shoot initiation of SARACA INDIA L. endangered plant. International Journal of Current Research in Life Science. Jaya Sharma
12 Research Paper Techniques for improving formulations of bioinoculants: a review". 3Biotech, Springer Govind Gupta
13 Research Paper Chaudhary T., Dixit M., Gera R., Shukla A.K., Prakash A. Gupta G. and Shukla P. Techniques for improving formulations of bioinoculants: a review" in 3Biotech, Springer 10 (5):199. doi: 10.1007/s13205-020-02182-9 (SCI Impact factor- 3) Dr. Govind Gupta
14 Research Paper S. Srivastava , Z. Usmani , A. G. Atanasov, V. K. Singh, N. P. Singh, A. M. Abdel Azeem, R. Prasad , G. Gupta, M. Sharma, A. Bhargava,. Biological Nanofactories: Using Living Forms for Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis. Mini Rev Med Chem, 21(2):245-265, 2021(SCI Impact factor- 3) Dr. Govind Gupta
15 Research Paper Nikita Rai, Jaya Sharma and Sehba Jafri. 2021. Nonverbal Communications Through Bioindicators, Naveen Shodh Sansar, Vol 1 Issue XXXIV. ISSN : 2320-3767 Nikita Rai, Jaya Sharma and Sehba Jafri
16 Research Paper 2021. Conservation of an endangered medicinal plant Mallotus philliprenesis through plant tissue culture techniques. Environmental protection: critical perspective on science and literature published by tradition publisher (UK, USA & GERMANY) with ISBN 978-3-347-27115-9 Jaya Sharma.