Best Agriculture College in Bhopal, School of Agriculture, SAGE University Bhopal

About SAGE School of Agriculture

The SAGE School of Agriculture at SAGE University Bhopal – SUB is a state of the art school dedicated to serve the nation amongst top

BSC Agriculture College in Bhopal.

The school envisions providing an atmosphere not only for healthy academic activities but also for all-round development of student. The Educational program at School of agriculture, the

best agriculture college in MP

provides transparency, flexibility to pursue a successful career in Agriculture. SAGE University Bhopal – SUB commits to provide accessible infrastructure and competitive scholarship schemes for meritorious students to pursue the course.

In the current academic session, the school will offer 4 year Bachelor of Science (Hons.) program in Agriculture (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture). The Department well equipped with smart classrooms to provide ambient teaching facilities. Laboratories with advanced instrumentation will felicitate practical oriented teaching substantiated by appropriate teaching and learning methodologies. We aim to provide quality education, best infrastructure for

Agriculture College in Bhopal

and research in the emerging areas of agriculture to bring a change at the grass-root level.


To develop high-tech center of excellence in agriculture innovation, research and education.


  To establish state of the art facilities for education, innovation and research using modern technologies.

  To impart skill-based knowledge to students for the holistic development in agriculture and allied sector.

  To develop unique academic curriculum by consulting stakeholders.


  •  To promote excellent education and research for development of sustainable agriculture.
  •  Training courses for skill development for using splendid resources.
  •  Tackling the problems of agriculture, increasing the farmer's income.
  •  Promote new technologies for the improvement of agricultural sustainability.

Dean :


Dr. Deepak Kher

SAGE School of Agriculture

By 2030 we will exceed 8.58 billion people globally.The responsibility to feed the esteemed population resides in the hands of farming community who produce the food for 7.2 billion people.Farmers will have to produce more than 50 % food in future. The land is shrinking day by day and more and more agricultural land is coming under roads and buildings thus it has become a peak challenge for the agricultural experts to meet the global food demand and ensure food security.

The agriculture sector currently valued at US $ 370 billion majorly contributed to Indian economy according to the economic survey 2020-21. GDP contribution by the agriculture sector was19.9 % during 2021. Agriculture provides employment to over 60 % of the people. In addition to food grain production, the growing demand for fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fish and meat will increase in future. Focus on Hi-tech agriculture, climate smart interventionsetc., is need of the hour. There is a paradigm shift on processed food products as nearly about 30 % of the fruits and vegetables losses occur due to post harvest management losses. Processing industry is therefore another area for agricultural entrepreneurship.

We at SAGE University, produce agricultural professionals who can serve as a change agent in revolutionalising agriculture. We provide multifaceted educational opportunities in agriculture. Under the aegis of SAGE University, entrepreneurship based education system with regular student-industry interfaceis promoted. With its thought provoking learning and state of art infrastructure, the university offers in class facilities to students to secure their future. Regular exchange sandwich programs for graduates with premier institution is also under consideration will help in exposure of students to keep pace with changing scenario. With the financial support of government, Agri- startups has become a more profitable profession.

Advisory Board :


Former Vice- Chancellor
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University,Jhansi



Dr. Dheerendra Khare

Dean Faculty of Agriculture
JNKVV, Jabalpur


Ph.D Ag. Plant Breeding and Genetics

Dr. A.K. Singh

Former Director ICAR-DCFR and Emeritus Scientist


Ph.D.Zoology (BHU), Vigyan Ratna (Govt of Uttar Pradesh), FAEB, FNC, FZS, FIFS,FSAB,FSBSRD.