Journalism and Mass Communication College in Bhopal, School of Journalism And Mass Communication, SAGE University Bhopal

About SAGE School of Journalism and Mass Communication

SAGE University Bhopal is offering various courses in the field of Agriculture, Advance Computing, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Commerce, Computer Application, Design, Engineering & Technology, Journalism & Mass Communication, Management Studies, Performing Arts and Sciences having their campus at Katara Hills, Bhopal It is making an effort to be counted among the great universities of the world, with a focus on making it’s students industry-ready with world-class education marching with the pace of this fast-moving society. We are gearing up to push back the frontiers of knowledge in ways that can be measured in terms of well-being and prosperity.


Sage School of Journalism and Mass Communications is the finest institute of Journalism and Mass Communication in Central India which showcase and utilizes a creative talent in most pertinent manner to nation building. Through skill and knowledge based program Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass communications (B.A - J.M.C) and Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communications (M.A - J.M.C), SAGE University Bhopal offers a UGC recommended, Learning outcome based curriculum framework (revision of curriculum at regular intervals) with Choice Based Credit System where student can get a multidimensional and practical approach to the basic concept in media education.


To shape the next generations of preeminent journalists, strategic communication professionals and scholars for exemplary public service and leadership who communicate truth for the benefit of democratic society, setting the standard for quality worldwide.


  • To create world-class research, scholarship and innovation to prepare journalists and strategic communication professionals.
  • Strive to educate ethical, socially responsible, well-rounded and fair-minded reporters and producers of visual and verbal messages.
  • To be future-oriented and keep abreast of new technologies pertinent to the production and consumption of mass media, anticipating and evaluating their uses and social impacts.
  • Objectives

    •  To acquaint the students with linguistic and creative aptitude.
    •   To provide them opportunities to develop their personalities with various course offerings along with interation with industry experts.
    •  To provide project based learning experience and industry exposure from the very 1st year.
    •   To provide students with a learning environment where they can develop both attitude and skills to meet industry requirements.
    •  To develop multi tasking capabilities in the students that would help them getting absorbed in various positions in media industry.

    HOS :


    Dr Swati A. Sharma

    SAGE School of Journalism and Mass Communication

    Dear Members of the SAGE JMC Community,
    Our School has a proud tradition of sharing knowledge, building local capacity, and driving innovation to benefit the world. In true liberal arts tradition, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication blows the bugle for a new generation of free thinking and confident individuals. As Aristotle said “It is the Mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”, Today when I sit down and ponder, I am amazed at the power of Communication as a single most effective tool, giving sense and meaning to global, local and individual order. Without being hesitant I am glad to say SSoJMC as a school has been successful in transitioning its students from ‘caterpillars to butterflies’, the tireless efforts of fellow colleagues, hands on expertise, internships, and industry collaborations have helped us scale up Our students have received special recognition in various competitions and events, working with some of the reputed media houses, and pushing their horizons to reach the pinnacle. The School is focused on skills it imparts to its students, be it in the field of journalism, television production, radio, films, advertising, public relation, graphics and animation, digital and social media, photography, event management or a robust dynamic media education.
    The excellence in media and communication studies at SAGE School of Journalism and Communications is achieved through its state-of-the-art infrastructure, production labs, air-conditioned classrooms, round the clock Wi-Fi, and student residences on campus. School of Communications houses professional audio studios, studio floor, online TV Production set-up, Edit suites lab and professional training in high-end software in the industry. The lab is fully equipped with software for animation, imaging and graphic design.
    We understand that students tend to excel when they have the freedom to express in diverse ways.We have put together an outstanding faculty of award-winning professionals who understand how you could match industry needs with personal aspirations.
    So as the media industry moves towards convergence, you can look forward to a journey into a world of new opportunity.

    HOD :


    Dr.Vanya Chaturvedi

    SAGE School of Journalism and Mass Communication

    Dear Parents, Students and Community Members,
    Medium is the message"
    - Marshall McLuhan
    It gives me immense pleasure to introduce and welcome you to the SAGE School Of Journalism and Mass Communication, SAGE University Bhopal. Media education is a promising tool to convert creative talent and a thoughtful mind into a balanced personality to work towards the betterment of the society. Under three year bachelors and two years of masters course school is focusing to give skill based practical knowledge and professional environment to make student industry ready from the beginning.SAGE School of Journalism and Mass Communication is also contributing in Media Research with its meticulously designed Ph.D program. Come and learn by Experiential Learning for...
    Sat…. Chit….. Anand!
    I wish you all very best of luck for your future endeavours.

    Advisory Board :

    Dr. Chandan Gupta

    Director EMRC, Indore

    Dr Ujjwal K Chaudhary

    Pro-V.C, Admas University, Calcutta

    Dr.Prakash Hindustani

    Senior Journalist

    Dr Sanjay Dwivedi

    Director IIMC,Delhi

    Mr.Kamlesh Pare

    Senior Journalist

    Mr.Dinesh Verma

    International Mentor & director Open Air Photography School,Indore

    Mr. Shishir Sinha

    Associate Editor The Hindu Business Line.

    Dr.Himanshu Shekhar Mishra

    Senior Editor Political and Current affairs NDTV India.