Best Engineering College in Bhopal, School of Engineering and Technology, SAGE University Bhopal

Publications - Publications

Sr.No Details Topic Published By
1 Publications “Was the Centralization Right?” in SAGE International Journal of Management, Commerce, Arts and Humanities- Vol. 1, Issue1. Dr.V K Jain
2 Publications ” Efficacy of Supply Chain Flexibility in Manufacturing Sector” in SAGE International Journal of Management, Commerce, Arts and Humanities- Vol. 1, Issue1. Dr.V K Jain
3 Publications “Comprehensive Analysis of Underwater Image Enhancement: A Survey” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods(IJARESM) ISSN:2455-6211. Dr. Shruti Dixit
4 Publications “Deep Learning Based OHE Data Preparation System for Railways” in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR),ISSN:2349-5162. Dr.Shruti Dixit
5 Publications “Correlation models to determine the characteristics of concrete with plastic granules” in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation. ISSN: 2456-3315 (UGCCare). Dr. Sanjeev Verma
6 Publications “ Performance Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Structures” in SAGE International Journal of Science and Engineering. Dr. Sanjeev Verma
7 Publications “Carbonation Based Deterioration of Concrete Structures and Effect of Carbonation Curing” in Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, SPRINGER, SCOPUS Indexed. Dr. Sanjeev Verma
8 Publications “Multi- story and intelligent car parking system”” in “IRJEAS (International Research Journal of Engineering & Applied Science)” held on March 2022. Aaradhna Soni
9 Publications “Role of Cloud Computing on Education system” in Sage Journal. Nivedita Singh
10 Publications “Multi- story and intelligent car parking system”” in National E-conference on “Recent Advances in Science and Technology” held on 19 June 2021. Aaradhna Soni
11 Publications “Analysis and Development of Coal Bottom Ash Used for Embankment Filling in "HBRP Publication Journal of Building Construction, Volume 3 Issue 3". Harsh Rathore
12 Publications “Effect of using plastic granules on the characteristics of concrete” in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ISSN: 0974-5823 (SCOPUS). Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Verma
13 Publications Experimental Analysis of FRP Composites for Shear Strengthening of Rc T-Beams With Web Openings” in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211". Harsh Rathore