Best Engineering College in Bhopal, School of Engineering and Technology, SAGE University Bhopal

About SAGE School of Engineering and Technology

Sage School of Engineering and Technology is the finest amongst

Top 10 private engineering colleges in Bhopal.

The engineering programs at SAGE University Bhopal – SUB have a stimulating and accessible course of study necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context, analysis and contemporary engineering issues which the students can develop and apply in their near future. The programs create an opportunity for students with different abilities and different educational experiences to benefit intellectually and vocationally from their education in engineering courses which makes Sage School Engineering ranks amongst

top engineering college in Bhopal.

The programs starts with fundamentals of engineering principles and professional practices that forms a strong, flexible base and enables graduates to fill a variety of responsible engineering position and leads to specialized development in one area of concentration that will enable graduates to successfully perform at entry-level engineering position making Sage School of Engineering the

best engineering college in Bhopal.

At Sage School of Engineering every seeker is getting ace facilities with modern labs & apt equipments which one expects from one of the

best private engineering colleges in MP.




The mission of the School of Engineering Technology is to prepare professionals for innovation and leadership careers in the global industrial marketplace, for the purpose of positively contributing to the well-being of the economy. This mission is fulfilled by:

  • Providing student-centered programs which ensure that graduates are accomplished in technical expertise, business practices, industrial management, teaming, communication and leadership skills, lifelong learning, social awareness and ethical responsibility.
  • Engaging in applied research and developing partnerships with multiple stakeholders as a means of providing solutions to industrial problems and/or effecting enhancements in pedagogy.
  • Providing a premiere graduate program that fosters professional development and applied research skills.


.To be a leading Institution by imparting quality education, nurturing Innovation and entrepreneurial attitude to prepare globally competent technocrats.


. To impart quality education in order to meet industry needs and achieve excellence in teaching-learning process.

. To create an ecosystem that promotes innovation for a sustainable futurewhich leads to entrepreneurship culture.

. To collaborate with other academic institutes, research institutes and industries to provide state-of-the art latest technological learning.



Dr. Mukesh Dixit

SAGE School of Engineering and Technology

Dear Students,
I welcome you all to the SAGE School of Engineering and Technology, Bhopal an institute which will skilled you professionally and make you competent and responsible by proving quality teaching and student centric environment. Our prime objective is to produce skilled, creative and innovative engineers.
In the current scenario of globalization, the focus of education industry is shifted from quantity to quality. In, the coming decade the quality will survive in this competitive world. Infrastructural facilities, flexible curriculum, experiential learning, industry oriented courses, qualified and experienced faculty members, departmental activities and project based learning (PBL) are significant factors of SAGE School of Engineering and Technology.
In the next decade our students will play significant role in the ongoing process of scientific and technological transformation of the nation. I wish that our school will become a landmark in your life to realize the dream of becoming a competent a socially responsible engineer. With this confidence, once again I warmly welcome you all and I promise that you will enjoy the high quality of education provided at our school. “Believe in yourself and see the magic- everything is possible”

Advisory Board :

Dr. Rakesh Arya

Chief Scientist, MPCST


Ph.D, M.E,B.E (E&C) , MPCST.

Mr. S.H. Abbas Mehdi

Joint. Director
Software Technology Parks of India(STPI),
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology,
Govt. of India,

Dr. Divakar Singh Yadav

Professor & Head of CSE, IET Lucknow
Former Director, Rajkiya Engineering College, Banda, U.P.
Former Director, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi, U.P.

Dr. Prashant V Baredar

Chairman & Professor
Department of Energy -Energy Centre
MANIT, Bhopal

Satyendra Khare

Retail E-Commerce/digital Business Analyst


M. Tech

Mr. Ashish Kale

Chief Executive of Integer Consulting Group

