Top Design Colleges in Bhopal, School of Architecture Planning and Design, SAGE University Bhopal


I joined ApparelBachlors Course from School of Design, in which I’ve learned nearly all the major designing elements and techniques. It’s a big list actually. I started from fabric Printing which is one my favorite techniques for printstyles. I really loved to work on its project. In the same way I learned garment construction subjects like pattern makinng. I created the design process on Real fashion show topic. It was taught by my faclties, who shared a lot of interesting tricks and tips to all of us during the classes. I really enjoyed learning with them and they havr helped me a lot in my projects.

- Reena Yadav, Sem IV, School Of Design

Over the past year, I have been experimenting with various critique styles in my interior design courses to build skills, design confidence, engagement, and perceived value of feedback. I used a classic critique style and present my work. As I write this there are many art and design professors shifting the language from critique to feedback. I hear this small shift improves us students’ perceptions of the value of critique and results in more active and engaged participation.

- Jay Verma, Sem II, School of Design

I have established a unique toolbox of design critique styles that I use depending on course level and student need. My favorite being post it note critiques—a topic for another article. I think all educators have this toolbox, where they nurture us and bring the best out of us. With continuous help and guidance we are now able to understand design better ever than before.

- Sanskriti Thakur, Sem VI, School Of Design