World Honey Bee Day

To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the United Nations designated 20 May as World Honey Bee Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Bee keeping pioneer Anton Jansa.

To promote awareness related with production of Honey, School of Agriculture and School of Sciences, celebrated World Honey Bee Day in Collaboration with Microbiologist Society India and State Office Khadi & Village Industries, Bhopal on 20 May 22 via physical mode. Dr. Neeraj Upamanyu, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Mr. Sandeep Srivastava, Registrar inaugurated the event along with State Officers of KVIC, Bhopal. Mr. Omprakash (Dy. Chief Executive Officer Central Zone, KVIC, Bhopal) and Mr. B. K. Swarnkar (Dy. Director, KVIC Bhopal) aware the students regarding various Government schemes and subsides for production of Honey.

More than 120 students of School of Agriculture and Sciences participated in the said event.  At the end of the event Honey sampleswere distributed to all the present students by KVIC, Bhopal. The event was coordinated by Dr. Deepak Kher and Dr. Govind Gupta from School of Agriculture and Dr. Aashi Dixit and Dr. AnjushaMune from School of Sciences.

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