Women's Day Celebration 2022

With the guidance and support of Honourable Director General, Dr Ashish Dutta, the entire team and students of School of Design organised the International Women’s Dayon 8th of March 2022 at Royal SAGE Hall, SAGE University Bhopal. The main objective was to create awareness of gender equality for a healthy society. This day brings many things for women – a cause for celebration, a reason to pause and re-evaluate a remembrance, an inspiration, and a time to honour, loved and admired. To begin with Saraswati Vandana was performed by the student of Performing Arts. To grace the event, chief guest was Honourable Chairperson, SAGE Group, Mrs Kiran Agrawal and the guest of honor were Dr. Rakhi Dubey, (Dance Director) and Dr.Sushma Srivastava (Artist, Rtd. From NCERT) to make the event livelier. During the event guest speaker Ms Kamla Rawat (DSP, Sports, International Judo Coach) addressed that their should be a balance between career and family and without a family support a women can’t achieve success, also addressed that girls should know their right to defend themselves and be careful against crimes against women. On the same occasion the Ms Varsha Solanki, further said, gender equality is very important for a healthy society. The event took place in the presence of Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr. V. K. Jain who had welcomed and introduced the guest of the day. Honourable Chairperson, SAGE Group, Mrs Kiran Agrawal and also graced the occasion by addressing girl students that they should celebrate every day as a women’s day. There was also a dance performance from the student of School of Performing Arts. Followed by prize distribution ceremony. The highlight of the event was the fashion Show to the theme “PANCHATATWAM” from the students of SAGE University Bhopal.

Womens Day Celebration 2022 Gallery

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