SAGE School of Design hosted an Interschool Design competition on 7th of March 2022 at SAGE University, Bhopal Campus from 12:30 to 3:30pm. Around 83 Students from different high schools of Bhopalof age group between 14-18 years participated in the following inter school competitions – i) Inter school flower arrangement, ii) Inter school miniature model making and iii) Inter school Fashion attire display. The main aim of this Inter school competition was to provide limitless opportunities for the creative minds. From making accessory, flower bouquet to draping and tying fabrics and making own designs on forex sheet and thermocol, from pencil shading, and model making, this Inter school competition was filled with energy and passion. All the works and performances were displayed in the Art Exhibition gallery and School of Design Department, which was visited by Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dr V.K. Jain along with Group Director, T&P Mr Sarvesh Shukla. Prizes and certificates were honoured to the students on 8th of March 2022,International Women’s Day by the Honourable Chief Guest, Chairperson, SAGE Group Mrs. Kiran Agrawal, invited guests and Honourable Vice Chancellor,Dr V.K. Jain.

VAMA Gallery

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