SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth) is a voluntary movement founded in 1977.

SPICMACAY’s intention is to enrich the quality of formal education by increasing awareness about different aspects of Indian heritage and inspiring the young mind to imbibe the values embedded in it. SAGE University Bhopal completely supports the endeavours of SPIC MACAY in seeking to inspire youth through experiencing the mysticism embodied in the rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry of Indian and World Heritage, with a hope that the beauty, grace, values and wisdom embodied in these arts will influence their way of life and thinking and inspire one to become a better human being. For this, SAGE University with the support of SPIC MACAY invites the most accomplished artistes of the country and render programmes on Indian classical music and dance, folk, poetry, theatre, traditional paintings, crafts & yog.

SAGE University Bhopal had the honour of welcoming two esteemed personalities on Campus.

Rakesh Chaurasia jiBansuri wadakvisited the Campus on 10th September 2022.

Rakesh Chaurasia is an innovative exponent of the modern bansuri. His style has been hailed as enchanting and mesmerising, and is informed by a detailed study of vocal technique. He takes a deep interest in the spiritual and therapeutic aspects of music and he shared his insights with the students and faculty of SAGE University Bhopal. He draws inspiration directly from nature—one of his albums imitates the sounds of wind through nine different melodies. But despite an eclectic repertoire, Chaurasia remains rooted around a detailed classical core. When asked whether classical music still holds cultural importance in India, he replied: “that’s like asking if the sun is still important. Classical music is the foundation of all other kinds of music”.

Chaurasia is a true exponent of the therapeutic impact of the bansuri. Chaurasiaji was captivated by the swirling sounds of illustrious guru and uncle Hariprasad as well as the illustrious lineage of the Maihar gharana, his style follows in the footsteps of his guru yet he has found his own territory too—recent collaborations have included jazz, flamenco, and Bollywood. He credits Pt Hariprasad Chaurasia’s open-minded philosophy with encouraging him to explore new sounds, and still finds limitless inspiration in his uncle’s teaching.

Perhaps the most bewitching aspect of Chaurasia’s bansuri is its ability to blend seamlessly without ever losing its distinct identity, making for a magical experience, every single time.

PadamshriGeeta Chandranvisited the Campus on 12th of September 2022.

A celebrated artist and a breath-taking performer, began learning Bharatanatyam from the tender age of 5 years under the tutelage of Smt. Swarna Saraswathy, who hailed from the traditional Thanjavoor devadasi parampara. Subsequently, Smt Chandran continued learning diverse aspects of the classical dance from a galaxy of eminent Gurus.

She has synthesised the knowledge she received from her Gurus to imprint Bharatanatyam with her personal vision of the dance. At SAGE University Bhopal Geeta Chandran skilfully wove abstract notions of Joy, Beauty, Values, Aspirations, Myth and Spirituality in her presentation to the gathering, she is celebrated not only for her deep and composite understanding of the art of Bharatanatyam, but also for her Carnatic music, she is a trained and accomplished vocalist and skillfully weaves abstract notions of Joy, Beauty, Values, Aspiration, Myth and Spirituality.

Through her performances, she has told stories of an ancient culture as well as articulated contemporary thoughts that sought to spotlight issues that inspired and guided all.She mesmerised and communicated on stage through her “abhinaya” and “mudras”. SAGE University Bhopal was honoured to host her at the Campus.


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